Understanding Asthma

Understanding Asthma

Back to school can mean new challenges for those who suffer from asthma. School exposes them to more allergens and germs than other environments, which cause a sudden surge in asthma attacks among children when school starts. The good news is that there are a lot of...
Counting Cholesterol

Counting Cholesterol

High cholesterol is a deadly condition because it increases the risk of having a heart attack or a stroke. Unfortunately, we meet too many people who underestimate their own risks, mainly because you can have high cholesterol without showing any symptoms. With...
High Blood Pressure: The Silent Killer

High Blood Pressure: The Silent Killer

There is a medical condition that can cause a fatal heart attack or stroke without any warning. We call it the silent killer because most of the people who suffer from it don’t have any symptoms or warning signs. That condition is high blood pressure, also...
What is Rosacea?

What is Rosacea?

We all have to deal with facial redness from time to time. It usually isn’t a big deal, but there are times when it can indicate a real medical problem. We encourage people who suffer from frequent facial redness to get in touch with a doctor to see if they have...
Vaccine Round Up

Vaccine Round Up

Vaccines are among the most powerful tools for keeping people healthy. They allow us to prevent some of the world’s most dangerous diseases, many of which have the potential to be lethal. That is why we support National Immunization Awareness Month and urge...